
youth ministries

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here!

DUMC Youth Ministries is a place where students in grades 7-12 can come to learn about the Christian faith, develop and strengthen that faith, learn how to become loving, learning, and active followers of Jesus, hang out, and have fun. We strive to provide a solid Biblical foundation upon which our youth can grow into devoted men and women of God. 

Lenae Baldwin
Youth Director

what's happening @ DUMC Youth Ministries

Fusion-Sundays at 9:00 am

Youth sunday school

Fusion is our youth Sunday School gathering, and is for all students in grades 7-12. We meet each Sunday from 9:00-9:45 AM, with the exception of Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of each month) and the third Sunday of the month. We start off in the Sanctuary to join the 9:00 AM Uplifting Service for worship. Students may sit together in a group or with their families. After a few songs, there will be an announcement for students to leave for Fusion, and then we go to The Upper Room in the Worship & Youth Center for a collaborative, hands-on learning experience. Plus, we always have hot chocolate, coffee, and donuts!!!

*This format will change in the future when we have students interested in playing instruments and leading worship in Fusion.

Elevation-SUndays at 6 pm

Youth group

Elevation meets on Sundays from 6:00-8:00 PM in the Worship & Youth Center and is for all students in grades 7-12.
Elevation is our weekly youth group gathering. On any given Sunday, we meet to hear what God has to say to us, wrestle through issues of life and faith, play games, hang out, eat food,  and build friendships with peers and our amazing adult leadership team. 

get involved

If you would like to get involved with our youth ministries, or if you have any questions pertaining to any of our programming, feel free to email or call Lenae with your questions, or to set up an in-person meeting. 

Volunteer Opportunities

We are always looking for adult volunteers to help out with our student ministries. Some specific roles we need throughout the year are as follows: Elevation leader, Elevation helper, small group leader, retreat leader/chaperone, mission trip leader/chaperone, drivers for various events (e.g., Road Rally, trampoline park trip, retreats, mission trip)
If you would like to be involved in some aspect, or if you have any questions pertaining to any of the above-mentioned positions, feel free to contact Lenae Baldwin.

Contact Us

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