Serve Our Community

One of our primary missions here at DUMC is to share the love of Christ by acting as his hands and feet. We encourage everyone to find a ministry that speaks to their heart and get involved!

Caring for Friends

Caring for Friends is a community service project. This group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month to assemble and freeze meals for delivery to the needy, isolated, shut-in, or elderly in the greater Philadelphia area. Food donations and helping hands are always welcome. Interested volunteers should contact the church office or  Cindy Biehl, the coordinator for this activity. 

god's Garden of Eatin’

This ministry is for the local food pantries to benefit from the fresh produce grown here at the church. If you love to garden and can give some of your time, planting and watering is always needed in the summer months.
Contact the church office or Barb Rocca, the coordinator for this activity. 

Community Connections

Community Connections and the Outreach Team provide a link between the church and local community in many ways. Direct support is provided to numerous activities and indirect support to other community initiatives. The committee works in “project groups” and does not meet formally unless the project warrants it.
Projects include:
  • Blanket Sunday in February (Church World Services)
  • American Red Cross Blood Drives
  • Backpack and School Supplies Drive in the summer (benefits Methodist Services)
  • Clothing Drives (local distribution)
  • Harvest Home Food Collection in November (local food pantries)
  • Adopt-a-Family project in December (Pastors’ Discretionary Fund)
  • Toys, food, and money collected for A Woman’s Place
  • Ongoing food collection which benefits several food pantries
Information on events, volunteer opportunities, and ongoing needs can be found in our e-newsletter, Connections, the Sunday morning bulletin, or on the bulletin board in the lobby.

Additional outreach ministries include:

Discovery Service Projects
DUMC Adult Mission Scholarships
DUMC Youth Camping Scholarships
Feed My Sheep
Feed My Starving Children
Mission of the Month
Peach Festival