kristian frikke-schmidt

 9:00 am uplifting service worship leader

Kristian Frikke-Schmidt is the leader of our worship team, Sounds of Faith (SOF). Kristian took over the role after having been a member of SOF for almost 3 years. In this role, Kristian plans the songs based on the theme set by the pastor/church, schedules the band and vocals, runs the Tuesday night and Sunday morning rehearsals, and leads the 9:00 AM Uplifting Service. Kristian and his wife, Henriette, were born and raised in Denmark. They moved to the United States in 2014, spending a year in California. After returning to Denmark, they found they missed the States. When Henriette landed a PostDoc (short-term job) at University of Michigan (Go Blue!!!), they ended up in Ann Arbor, Michigan for five years. In 2019, they moved to Doylestown–another job-related move–but this time it is not a temporary job.