John Bechtel

business administrator

John and his wife, Kim, have been part of DUMC since 2000. John serves as a financial counselor through our Caring Ministries at DUMC, supporting and assisting people who are struggling with their personal finances. John grew up in Warminster and graduated from William Tennant High School and LaSalle University with a degree in Business Administration and Accounting. During ten years of employment at Advanta Corporation in Horsham, he held numerous positions in the Finance and Accounting Department before starting his own finance company that he has run for the past 24 years. John and Kim have been married for 27 years and have lived in Doylestown for the past 24 years. They have three adult sons: Connor, Evan, and Jason. John enjoys an active lifestyle including daily workouts, playing golf, running, and bike riding. He also enjoys reading nonfiction books about history and spending time with friends.