Mark Devotionals
[Please read and meditate on the passage before (or after) reading the devotion.]
How confident are we of our relationships? Can we ever say with finality that we will never disappoint – or hurt – those closest to us? And how would it feel when that loved one knows that we will fall short when they need us most, and disappoint them? Jesus knew that all his disciples would desert him as he got closer to the Cross, and even told Peter that he (Peter) would deny him. And it did happen despite their refusal to agree with him. Two points: First, it is good to have self-esteem, but I believe that it is even better to live with a knowledge of our own weaknesses. We should accept the reality that in our sin-weakened humanness we are in danger of falling especially when we think we are at our strongest (in our own strength). Second, be encouraged that Jesus knows our every weakness (that’s why he predicts it to Peter). But he still sticks with us – never giving up on us!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, teach me what Paul learned – that when I know and accept that I am weak, that is when I am really strong…in You (2 Corinthians 12:10). You are, and have always promised me to be my strength. Forgive me for my foolishness when I trust in my own strength and abilities. True, it is you that have given them to me, but I unconsciously begin trusting in the gifts rather than the Giver. Thank you, that like you did Peter, you never give up on me, even when I fail and disappoint you – as long as I turn back to you. Amen.