Wednesday, April 29, 2020 – Ephesians 2:6-7
The Already But Not Yet
As was discussed in yesterday’s devotion, prior to coming to faith in Christ, we were headed down a path of destruction, BUT now we have hope. Because of Jesus, we have life. Yes, sin kills and destroys, BUT Jesus heals us, bringing new life and transformation. In verse 6, Paul states that we have been raised from the dead along with Christ, and united with Him.
There’s a theological paradigm known as “the already but not yet.” This paradigm states that followers of Jesus are actively taking part in the kingdom of God, although the kingdom will not reach its full expression until sometime in the future. That is to say that – as followers of Jesus – we are “already” in the kingdom, but we do “not yet” see it in its full glory. The kingdom of God is described in Scripture as both a realm presently entered and as one entered in the future.
So, verse six is talking about us being resurrected from our old way of living – the already – and is also referring to the future when we will be resurrected into God’s heavenly kingdom – the not yet. It’s both a hope now, and a hope for the future.
In verse seven, we see that God will point back to our lives – which have been transformed and redeemed by Him – and use our transformation as evidence of His abounding and overflowing riches toward His children.
Father, in light of these verses that portray what it means when we believe in your Son and turn our lives over to you, I cannot help but to stand in awe and silence of the inexhaustible and unsearchable riches of your grace toward us. Thank you for the already but not yet that allows us to experience you here on this earth, and then in paradise when our days on this earth have come to an end.