Week 1, Saturday, Galatians

By Rev. Sunil Balasundaram

Saturday, Galatians 1:15-16


Bible Passage


“But God had set me apart from birth and called me through his grace.” V.15 is a “Wow” verse. Paul knew how much he had hurt people, and thereby hurt God. Yet he was convinced that that didn’t make God love him any less. Because God knew Paul far before that – from the time he was born – much, much before he could grieve the heart of God. And that’s the beauty of grace – God’s unconditional, undeserved love – even though God knows how broken we will be in the future, he knows the extent we will break his heart, he still dares to love us and choose us for himself even as just born babies. Think about it. Again and again!

When did you realize that you were deeply loved, not because of what you did or did not do, but because God created you, and go to the extent of dying for you?



I have no words Lord but Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. May I always remember that your love has everything to do with who you are, because “God is love” (1 John 4:16), and Whose I am. Amen.

Song: “Reckless Love” (Cory Asbury)

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