Began 1/5
current Study: “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations” by Robert Schnase
Began 1/5
We have scholarship donations. Please know that you are welcome in any Bible study at DUMC regardless of ability to pay.
P.S. We will have snacks.
To sign up, Email Laurie Lewis
The Joy Crew
This women’s small group meets in the DUMC Parking Lot, Tuesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. This women’s small group gathers to exercise both body and mind, seeking to worship and deepen our relationship with God. We walk together around the parking lot or nearby neighborhoods, discussing and memorizing Bible verses focused on joy. Our goal is to grow closer to one another while drawing nearer to God.
Breakfast & Blessings (Women’s Small Group)
current Study: “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations” by Robert Schnase
Began 1/7
Women of all ages meet weekly to enjoy social time together, small group discussion, spiritual growth, Bible study (many of us are new to the Bible), and prayer support. All women and newcomers are always welcome!
Various topics discussed, all relate to God and faith. This informal gathering exists to focus on God and our relationship with God as we share Bible and devotional passages that have impacted us in some way. We strive to listen carefully to one another, ask questions, share our insights, and get to know one another better. Then we share prayer requests and pray in comfortable fellowship. If you are interested but unable to attend every week, please feel free to come when you can. Newcomers always welcome!
To sign up, Email Karen Steward