Week 2, Thursday, James 2:1-7


by, Pastor Sunil Balasundaram


Go to James 2:1-7

(Please read the passage before, or after, reading the devotion.)


“…really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ (or, the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, RSV)” (v.1). That’s what is important to James: real faith (= a living relationship with Jesus) is shown in attitudes and behavior. A simple test: how do we naturally treat strangers among us – whether in the church or outside – on the basis of their external appearance? Do we see them as much of the world would, and discriminate in our behavior to them on the basis of that appearance – low respect for the poor-looking, high respect for the rich-looking? Or do we see them as Jesus (who really is the only one deserving of “really high respect”) would – all of us as needy, and therefore to be treated with equal mutual respect? Faith should change our “eyes,” and that should change our behavior (cf. Matthew 6:22-23)!


Lord Jesus, I didn’t realize that I grieve and even insult your Name by the way I see people according to their appearance and discriminate in my behavior towards them. Forgive me for convincing myself that knowing You is only a spiritual matter. You want my relationship with you to constantly make me more and more humble – just like you. Then maybe I will see others as you see them, and act towards them as you would. In compassion. Help me to see; transform me to act. Amen.

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