By Rev. Sunil Balasundaram
Tuesday, Galatians 1:2-5
“Grace and peace” is part of Paul’s greetings in all of his letters – in that order. We know that Grace is God’s unconditional, undeserved, surprising love – manifested most clearly in Jesus Christ – his life, death and resurrection – all for our sakes. There is no human element in God’s Grace – it is all his initiative and doing. We can experience this grace only when we open our lives to him, and allow him to flood in (because that’s the force of grace!). And here’s the thing: when we allow this love to flood into us, and keep filling us, we experience the fullness of the Almighty, his blessing, his abiding Presence. And that is the essence of shalom, peace. Maybe that’s why Paul wished “grace and peace” to all who received his letters – that is God’s will for every one of us.
Have you experienced grace, and continuing to do so? What about peace? Is God filling your life to fullness?
Gracious and loving God: I need you – your unconditional, underserved love; not just once, but again and again. I know that when I am filled with your love I will be filled with YOU! I want to be so filled with your fullness my Jesus that there is no space for irritation, conflict, despair, hopelessness – they will all be pushed out by your Presence. I want to know your peace, the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7), a peace that heals, that hopes. You said in your Word that that was your will for me. I yearn for that now. Amen.
Song: “Grace and Peace” (Fernando Ortega)