holy week worship
Holy Week Worship
palm/passion Sunday
I Am the (True) Vine
march 24
9:00 / 10:10 / 11:11 AM
Holy Thursday
march 28, 7:00 pm
Holy Thursday: A Drama of the Last Supper with Communion
Written by Russ Durbin; Directed by Kitt Finch
Good Friday
march 29, 7:00 pm
Messiah in the Passover
Good Friday Service with Communion
*Passover Seder Representation presented by Chosen People Ministries
march 31
I Am the Resurrection & the Life
7:30 am Morning celebration in the Outdoor Sanctuary (weather permitting)
9:00 am Uplifting Worship with Sounds of Faith in the Sanctuary
10:10 am Liturgical Worship in the Sanctuary
11:11 am Word & Worship with Power of Grace in Worship & Youth Center