Apportionment General Administration Fund

The General Administration Fund is one of seven apportioned funds of The United Methodist Church. The main way we support the ministries of the church is through our apportioned funds, a method of giving that proportionally allocates the churchwide budget to conferences and local churches.
The General Administration fund finances the administrative function of the denomination’s general activities and is what enables The United Methodist Church to function most effectively. It provides for the expenses of the sessions of the General Conference, the Judicial Council, covers the administrative functions of the General Council on Finance and Administration, the operating costs for the General Commission on Archives and History and maintenance of historic shrines, landmarks and sites. It funds the safeguarding of our denomination’s legal interests and rights and the managing of The United Methodist Foundation. The General Administration Fund was established as part of the original financial plan of the Methodist Church at its unification in 1939.

Did You Know The General Administration Fund supports the legal and constitution work of the United Methodist Church?

One of the reasons the General Administration Fund is so important is because of The United Methodist Church’s unflagging commitment to integrity. Polity of the UMC is established to be constitutional, Episcopal and connectional. Our church’s highest court, the nine-member Judicial Council, executes its directive to uphold church law. This council determines the legality and/or constitutionality of actions by agencies, boards, conferences, and officials of the Church. United Methodist Churches around the globe.

Did you know the General Administration Fund sustains the legislative work of General Conference?

The General Administration Fund underwrites and finances general church activities that are administrative in nature, rather than program-related—like General Conference, the legislative branch of the church. Every four years delegates from around the globe, selected by their peers, meet to discern the church’s future at General Conference. General Administration Fund supports the General Conference expenses, including delegate expenses, meeting operation costs expenses, language services, expenses of the offices of the secretary, business manager, and treasurer of the General Conference, and expenses of the several commissions and committees in support of the event.

Did you know the General Administration Fund helps preserve our historical United Methodist identity?

The General Administration Fund ensures that we, as a whole church, are rooted in our history, are held accountable fiscally and are maintaining our historical United Methodist identity even as we seek our way forward as The United Methodist Church. This fund helps support the agency General Commission on Archives and History (GCAH) which preserve the historical interests of The United Methodist Church and its antecedents. GCAH accomplishes this uniquely administrative and programmatic mission by gathering, preserving, holding title to, and disseminating materials representing the ethos of the denomination.

Did you know the General Administration Fund supports the critical administrative work of the UMC?

Through the General Administration Fund, United Methodists implement a trustworthy system of administrative oversight and fiscal accountability; underwrite the legislative work of General Conference; fund the work of the Judicial Council to adjudicate questions of Church law; maintain United Methodism’s official documents and historical artifacts; and designate historical shrines, landmarks and sites. It also funds the work of General Council on Finance and Administration that coordinates and administers the finances of the church, receives, disburses and accounts for the church’s general funds, safeguards the denomination’s legal interests and rights, compiles and publishes denominational statistics and maintains the church’s records.

Did you know the General Administration Fund supports unforeseen or emergency situations of the Church?

Sometimes you just have to plan for what you can’t imagine. The General Administration Fund allocation provides funding for unforeseen or emergency situations that fall within the scope of general administration called the contingency reserve. The concept of reserves is at least as old as Genesis when Joseph advised Pharaoh to set aside produce from seven good years to feed people during seven bad years, he initiated what we call today a contingency reserve. Having reserves is necessary for us to be able to carry out the ministry in really unsettled and uncertain times and be faithful to what the Church ask us to do. Because of the General Administration Fund, United Methodists are able to implement a trustworthy system of administrative oversight and fiscal accountability which helps us ensure these emergency funds are available.

Your Giving Secures a Hopeful Future

Your giving is what ensures that the faithful ministry we’re doing today, in the name of Jesus Christ, will continue far into the future. Thanks to your generosity, the vital work of The United Methodist Church will continue to transform individuals and communities.
One of the reasons the General Administration Fund is so important is because of The United Methodist Church’s unflagging commitment to integrity.
We echo Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of the Apostle Paul’s message to the church in Corinth, “[We don’t want anyone suspecting us of taking one penny of this money for ourselves.] We’re being as careful in our reputation with the public as in our reputation with God.” (2 Corinthians 8:20-21, The Message)

Your Giving Matters

Churches around the globe, through people like you, are ensuring the integrity and long-term effectiveness of the ministry of The United Methodist Church. Thank you for your part in this important work.
If you feel inspired to give to the Doylestown United Methodist Church, 2% of your contribution will go towards apportionment funds like the General Administration Fund.
Articles provided by United Methodist Communications